Few effective weight loss tips for women backed by science

Losing weight is not a joke! It requires a lot of hard work, consistent efforts and dedication. Belly fat, chubby shoulders or fat laden thighs are enough to make you feel worried and tensed. When you don’t get your clothes size and everything you wear becomes tight or unattractive, you tend to lose confidence and courage to attend parties. In fact, being an over-weight itself is harmful for your health and puts you right in front of many health related problems. However, it is very important to pick the right path to lose weight or fat. Many people nowadays are following anything or everything to lose weight or to get in shape. Some self-proclaimed trainers or weight loss experts give some unrealistic tips or make vague claims on their channels or pages including spot reduction, lose weight without any exercise etc. All these tall claims are false and have no realistic approach. You can never lose weight from any one spot of your body and without doing any exercise or workout. Thus, it’s better to follow weight loss tips that are backed by science and are realistic.

Therefore, we bring to you a few effective weight loss tips backed by science that will surely bring positive changes in your body and help you to vanish unwanted fat from your body and to attain fitness without any side-effects.

Cut the junk from your diet

This is the most essential and effective tip for all those who are planning to lose weight. Junk food is the biggest road-block in the path of losing weight. Today, most of the people indulge in eating variety of junk food items that carry high levels of trans fat, carbohydrate and sugar. Eating such food even twice a week will wash away your hope of losing weight. If you are an over-weight then it is important to cut them entirely from your diet and don’t consume any kind of junk food including packaged foods as that also contain saturated fat which is again very unhealthy for your body.

Eat soluble fiber in plenty

Solube fiber is the best kind of diet supplement in weight loss program. It helps you to decrease your calories, improve your metabolism and digestive system. You can feel full without consuming much calories. In fact you don’t even need to worry about losing excessive calories as whatever you are eating is in a soluble fiber type.

Don’t consume alcohol

If you are too serious to reduce your belly fat or overall fat from your body, then you have to avoid alcoholic drinks or beverages completely. Alcohol reduces the functioning of liver and can cause abnormal activation of digestive enzymes that are being produced by the pancreas. Also, it has various other harmful effects on your body that will give you much trouble. Therefore, stop consuming it.

Include green tea into your day

Green tea has many health benefits. The most important benefit is that it helps in reducing weight and fat from your body. It contains effective antioxidants that accelerate the process of burning unwanted fat from your body. A regular usage of green tea will surely help you to lose weight to a great extent.

Take high protein diet

High protein diet is very effective in losing weight, keeping you full for all day and boosting energy levels. It actually increases the release of the hormone PYY which eventually decrease hunger pangs and keeps you full. It also enhances your metabolic rate and helps you to retain muscle mass.

Don’t take stress

Try to reduce your stress levels. Indulge yourself into meditation and yoga exercises to eliminate stress from your life. Stress actually triggers the adrenal glands that produces cortisol, a stress hormone. And if you have high cortisol levels then you tend to feel hungrier and get fatter. Thus, practicing yoga and meditational exercises will help you a lot to lower your stress levels.

Do cardio exercises a lot

Regular intense workout is very important ot reduce weight without gaining any side-effect. Try to do more cardio exercises as they will help you to burn fat quickly. You can do aerobic exercises, cycling, swimming, dancing or running. Make sure to work-out for at least 40 minutes a day to see good results.

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